Do you ever feel like everything happens at the same time? When one thing goes wrong, so does everything else? Honestly, I have felt like that a lot lately. My plate is always full. Most of the time its overflowing. No I am not talking bout the plate I eat off of every night.. I am talking about our daily responsibilities and life struggles!
Just recently I took my husband Corey to ER, for what we thought could be a groin hernia. After the care at the hospital, we were sure we had all the answers or even right diagnoses. But what we did know, was something was wrong with Corey and it needed to be fixed. That Corey was in Gods hands and we just needed to pray about it, and he would provided answers and healing. Because our insurance is set up the way it is, Corey had to see his primary doctor before he could see the recommended specialist. After his appointment we knew something was wrong with his prostate. Every time I have ever heard anything wrong with a mans prostate, it was always Cancer. At 30, We all thought, it can't be. He's too young.
His specialist told us, I am not ruling Cancer out, But I believe its an infection. An infection that can be very painful, and can take awhile to heal. Put his on pain meds, antibiotic and said in a few weeks we will see how this helps, if there is no difference we will biopsy it.
Cancer is a scary word. No one believes it can happen to you, or someone you love. You hear about it on the news, you hear about it happening to older people.. You just don't think about it, until it happens.
In our case, it didn't. After many, many prayers and weeks of waiting.. Him cutting out all caffeinated drinks, watching his sodium in take, resting, taking his meds.. We followed up with his doctor today, to find out the antibiotics have helped, andnits not Cancer. Yes, a huge weight has been lifted off all of our shoulders and its a road we avoided going down for now. Corey will continue the meds until the infection is cleared, or the doctor decideds to clean it up with surgery.
30 isn't to young for Cancer, yes Prostate cancer is more common for older man. But it does not mean 30 is invincible.
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