Sunday, September 18, 2016

Water babie

First off excuse the shirtless child. Its like once they walk in the front door clothes are not mandatory!

Why is it that every time we put water in the sink the kids have to play with it? Holden my youngest like to throw things in the water, like the dish towel! Its actually kind of funny at Maw Maw's house its like a battle to see who can get to the towel first! If she forgets to move the towel, Holden reminds her!

The kids love water! Bath time for each kid last like 30 mins! They love to play! If we allowed them, they would live in the bath tub or pool!

Water babies! I guess Mommy & Daddy need to move to a place where we can have a pool all year long.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The to do list

If your a Mom, or even a women. You know about the never ending to do list! The one that plays over and over in your head at bed time, "Did I do this? Did I do that?"
If your organized your list maybe written out on paper, in a fancy day planner, in an app on your phone. Well this Mom isn't that organized. I mean don't get me wrong, I have a fancy Dollar rack day planner from Target, I have the fun organizer on my phone from Cozi. But my never ending to do list, well thats in my head. I know your all thinking, thats why its never ending.
So I do actually write down my to do list, but normally its after I have said yes too much, added more to my plate that I can handle and I am very overwhelmed. I am that Mom who doesn't like to say no. I want the kids to be able to do and go, but No is something I am working on. With multiple kids in school now and tons of activies comong up, unless they figure out cloning in 2016. Mommy can only be in 1 place at 1 time, and that means someone is being told no. But that also means others needs and wants are being put on hold.
One thing I learned about having children, that never ending to do list will pile up, somethings will become more important than others, things will get shuffled around, but it can always wait. Kids grow up, they grow up too fast. And I don't want to miss a moment of it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Morning routines

I have been a Mom for 8 years now, you would think by now I was an expert right?
Do they even have an expert level in Motherhood? Or Parenting in general? Well if they do, this Mom of 3 is far from being an expert.

Every Morning I am awaken by kids waking up before the sun rises. I hear about Moms who wake up before their kids do so they can have "me time" or even cook a warm breakfast. If that was the case in this house, I would have to get up at 4 o'clock. This Mama likes her sleep..
Soooo 5 to 530 wake up calls.. Knocks at the door, yelling and screaming at each other or just crying. Better get up before they wake up Dasdy! Up I go, breakfast to be made, lunches to be packed, kids to be dressed, hair to be done. All before I finish a cup of coffee normally.
715 out to door into the swagger wagon, not before I am asked to babysit this weeks favorite stuffed animal while they are away! Everyone is buckled and off we go to school! Dropping them off to a day of fun and learning! Or at least we can hope!